proven 15 to 25% increase in average transaction values

Beauty Retail

Fashion Retail

Retail Signage
Times of Change for Retailers
Why Smart Mirrors at your POS?
What does actiMirror offer?
The Underlying Magic
The Store at the Centre of your Omnichannel Strategy
Why do you need a Modern Digital Platform at the Point of Sale?
Personalised Business Package
Skin Analyser
Skin diagnostics based on the consumer’s picture are combined with user data to enable you to advise, educate, and guide your customers on their skincare journey.Boost conversion, retention, and average order value with automated and personalized skincare products, routines, and treatments. Global Partner of Shiseido Co. Ltd.Press release
Smart Mirrors act as physical contact points between the brands and their customers, integrating into e-commerce platforms being able to track availability of apparel at several locations. Smart mirrors provide access to the full set of information, such as product prices & descriptions, stock availability, payment and delivery options, recommendations and more.